Collection: Second Season - US

Set goals. Execute. Repeat

The Second Season

Only 100 pieces of each design.

Every shirt has a unique number out of 100, which means that your shirt will be 1 of 1 (EU or US)

Super Exclusive

Only 100 pieces of each design will be sold. After they sell out they will never be available again.

Guaranteed satisfaction

We will give you a FULL REFUND if you are for ANY REASON not fully satisfied with your shirts, no matter how long it's been since you got them.

Premium quality

All shirts are made using a luxurious blend of 50% cotton and 50% polyester for a warm but soft feel  to provide you with the ultimate feel of quality and comfort.

Make an impact

For every shirt we sell, we donate $5 to the Street Child Organization. The donations help build schools and better environments for the unfortunate and underprivileged children.